Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I have a short hair pit bull that has fleas what should I do to get rid of them?

What can I do to prevent them from coming back?I have a short hair pit bull that has fleas what should I do to get rid of them?
You can use a Flea and tick shampoo from the store, or you can also use Dawn dish liquid to kill the fleas on the dog, but remember you have to treat the rest of the pets and the house also with a regular flea and tick powder or a bomb both of which you can get at your local Wal-mart. Do not use the Dawn on your dog every time you bathe him or her, I use an oatmeal shampoo formulated just for dogs when I am not treating for fleas. And yes Frontline is a wonderful product, well worth the thirty dollars you will spend for three months worth of flea freeness!I have a short hair pit bull that has fleas what should I do to get rid of them?
Purchase flea shampoo, Frontline or something similar(for after you totally get rid of them, and Raid for fleas. Raid for fleas is in a Purple can and can be purchased from some pet stores, pathmark, or an online store. Hope this helps and good luck with getting rid of the pests:)
Use a flea treatment such as frontline.

At the same time as you treat your dog, treat any other cats or dogs you may have, and wash everything they sleep on in hot water. Using the frontline at the recommended dose (from memory its used every 3-6 months?) will prevent re-infestation.

Good luck
Had the same problem with my Pitt. He was allergic to the Flea treatments like Frontline. Just to let you know, products like Frontline is a pesticide that you are putting on your pet. I use regular shampoo such as Pert Plus for dry hair. When I wash him, I sud him up really good for about 3-5 minutes and then rinse him really good. I then apply a little Skin So Soft bath Oil from Avon, to him. It works just as good as the flea repellents for pets, which none of them work 100%. If he is infested with fleas you may want to take him to have him dipped professionally.
I am so glad I live in Las vegas were there are no fleas. FIRST ANY GOOD FLEAS SHAMPOO, then one of the meds you need to get from the vet. Treat your home as well. WHen I lived in MO. I would make a Tea from a herb called flea bane or penny royal and spray my home
The best way to get rid of fleas is by prevention; fleas thrive in heat and humidity (and are most active in summer and fall), so assess your pet and his environment frequently.
I also heard that Dove bar soap is good for it to. Kills the fleas immediatly and its good if you have really young animals with fleas

plain white bar
First take him to the vet. Get a Flee killing shampoo. and some Flee killin medicine.
um there are flee shampoos they sell at stores

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